5 Steps for Choosing the Perfect Wedding Invitation Theme

The wedding invitation is the letter of introduction - a glimpse of what your marriage celebration will be like before the long-awaited day arrives and a hint for your guests to make the right choice of their attire. Besides the basic information that the invitation provides, it also gives an insight into your style and personality as a couple. To make an impeccable first impression of your festivity, discover the five key steps for finding your perfect wedding invitation theme.

1. Define Your Style

This is the first and most crucial step in finding the theme that best describes you as a pair. You want your celebratory union to represent who you really are – be it elegant wedding invitations, classic, vintage, romantic, boho, modern, etc. The list of styles is endless, so as soon as you find your own, let the designers adapt the invitations to the wedding theme and work with them through the process to create something unique and fabulous.

2. Choose the Right Colour

After choosing the right style for your wedding invitation theme, you should decide on the colour palette that will dominate and lead the entire decoration path. When in doubt, think about the season of your special ceremony and get inspired by nature. For instance, go with vibrant tones such as yellow, coral and aquamarine if you're having a June wedding. On the other hand, for an autumnal celebration, stick to earth tones and think about the colours this season brings. A spring nuptial is ideally coloured with pastel tones - lavender, soft pink and light green. Finally, choose metallic silver and icy blue for your winter wedding wonderland.

3. Personalise!

Once you have a clear idea of the visuals of your invitations, think about the details you want to embed by adding a personal touch. Add some special elements that tell your love story and go beyond the general wedding theme. Think about how you met, your mutual preferences, hobbies - anything that is only yours and find a way to include it in your wedding invitation theme. In that way, you will have custom invitations that will reflect your unique story.

4. Unleash Your Creativity

Use your imagination and creativity and think outside the box when deciding on the wedding invitation form. Are you sports fans? Send game ticket invitations! Fond of travelling? Make them as passports or flight tickets! Or better yet, amuse your guests with puzzle-shaped wedding invitations!

5. Use the Best Materials

Besides typical white paper, you can also incorporate other good-quality materials to refine your personalised wedding invitations, such as recycled or textured paper, wood, glass, cork, or plastic. You can even include lovely natural elements, such as flower petals, feathers, satin ribbons, lace, silk, small leaves, etc.

Custom invitations are gorgeous elements in any marriage celebration. Not only because they literally invite, inform attendees or remain as keepsakes; but because they also capture the essence of the celebration and feed the spirit that will reign throughout the event. For this reason, paying attention to their design is absolutely important. Give them a distinctive, personalised and original touch, create an expectation among the guests, and make them excited to attend your iconic celebration!

If you need more assistance, it will be my pleasure and honour to work on finding your ideal wedding invitation theme with you and design the first wedding detail you will share with your guests. Get in touch or browse through the Design Bar for some gorgeous pieces!


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